The Perfect Picnicscape
Al fresco dining is de rigueur each summer but 2021 has seen the rise of the picnicscape - a curated outdoor dining 'look' that takes park or garden dining to the next level. Here are Truffle's tips on how to perfect this fun summer trend:
Pick the perfect basket: Our ideal basket contains all the picnic basics you'll need (such as glassware, crockery, cutlery, bottle opener and a cooler bag) and some added extras - think mini salt and pepper shakers, cotton napkins and space for a bottle (or two?!) of your favourite tipple. Re-use a basket you have at home (Christmas food hampers are perfect for this!) or pick up a stylish fitted hamper that will stand the test of time (these are classic summer pieces so try to buy once and buy well). Truffle's pretty picnicscape contains everything you need to create the most beautiful picnic this summer (and for many summers to come).
Choose vibrant colours and prints: Summer prints and patterns will make your picnicscape stand out from the rest. Our favourities are gorgeous gingham in pastel shades, summer stripes or clashing florals (try Indian block prints or Liberty fabrics). Add napkins in a fun pattern and even bring along a tablecloth to drape over a picnic bench or lay on the (dry!) grass for a stylish alternative to a blanket.
Add accessories: as well as comfy blankets and table linens, scatter cushions will help make the picnicscape the perfect place to lounge. Cushions in different sizes and complementary patterns (match or clash with your linens) are perfect for a glamourous al fresco look. If you have space, a low table, serving tray and ice bucket are ideal additions as well as citronella candles to create a warm ambiance (and keep those pesky bugs at bay!) as the night draws in.
Dress the area: As well as styling your picnic blanket, consider adding some décor to your surroundings. Paper pinwheels, tissue pom-poms and battery-powered string lights can be draped on trees in a flash and will instantly add to the party atmosphere – just remember to take them home!
Pick deliciously tempting food and even more delicious company: you've picked the perfect spot and set up the perfect picnicscape, now it's time to sit back and enjoy the summer sun. Allow your picnic food to take centre stage by laying out dishes for guests to help themselves. Simply add your best friends, wonderful food (we love trays of antipasti and little nibbles to graze on throughout the day) and lots of rosé wine to complete a fabulous day!
Enjoy long, lazy picnics in the sunshine and don’t forget share snaps of your #picnicscape with us @truffletablescapes on Instagram.